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About BioBox FARM by Genera S.p.a.:
FARM is a model which provides an integration of different renewable energy sources: from biomass to photovoltaic to mini Aeolians, applied to an agricultural farm. The objective is double: on one hand to give incentives for the sustainability creating an agricultural energetic process able to give value to the territory and generate occupation respecting the environment; on the other hand a business, transforming a sector in difficulty as the agricultural sector, as in fact, independent from an energy point of view and with new potential developments. FARM, by using different renewable energy sources, satisfies the companies needs, allows the cultivations of valuable crop in green houses and even more energy is available and can be for the management of the premises and equipment for temporary housing as in, for example, holiday farm houses. FARM is a project, a challenge, a philosophy that fully integrates with the company’s mission which intends to: “ Generate innovative and technological advanced solutions for the energetic sustainability of the country, thanks to the combination among technique, experience and creativity.
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About BioBox FARM by Genera S.p.a.:
FARM is a model which provides an integration of different renewable energy sources: from biomass to photovoltaic to mini Aeolians, applied to an agricultural farm. The objective is double: on one hand to give incentives for the sustainability creating an agricultural energetic process able to give value to the territory and generate occupation respecting the environment; on the other hand a business, transforming a sector in difficulty as the agricultural sector, as in fact, independent from an energy point of view and with new potential developments. FARM, by using different renewable energy sources, satisfies the companies needs, allows the cultivations of valuable crop in green houses and even more energy is available and can be for the management of the premises and equipment for temporary housing as in, for example, holiday farm houses. FARM is a project, a challenge, a philosophy that fully integrates with the company’s mission which intends to: “ Generate innovative and technological advanced solutions for the energetic sustainability of the country, thanks to the combination among technique, experience and creativity.
Cos’è BioBox FARM by Genera S.p.a.:
FARM è un modello che prevede l’integrazione di diverse energie da fonti rinnovabili: dalle biomasse al fotovoltaico al mini eolico, applicate ad un’azienda agricola. L’obiettivo è duplice: da una parte incentivare la sostenibilità creando una filiera agricola energetica in grado di valorizzare il territorio e generare occupazione nel pieno rispetto dell'ambiente; dall’altra di business trasformando un settore in difficoltà quale quello delle aziende agricole, in realtà autonome energeticamente e con potenziali nuovi sviluppi. FARM, attraverso l'utilizzo di diverse fonti rinnovabili di energia, soddisfa il bisogno energetico dell'azienda, consente la coltivazione di colture di pregio in serra e rende disponibile ulteriore energia che può essere destinata alla gestione di locali e attrezzature per residenze temporanee come, ad esempio, agriturismi. Un progetto, una sfida, una filosofia quella di FARM che si sposa pienamente con la mission aziendale che intende appunto: “Generare soluzioni innovative e tecnologicamente avanzate per la sostenibilità energetica del Paese, grazie al connubio tra tecnica, esperienza e creatività”.