creative direction //
About Atac S.p.a.:
Carrying passengers has been our job for 100 years. From the days of the horse-drawn omnibus we have been driving Romans around their city. Many things have changed since then but Atac continues to serve Rome´s citizens, travelling the streets of the city with those who move about daily for work or study: 95% of Romans have a public transport stop within 300 metres of home. After undergoing profound changes, Atac today serves the Capital as the Mobility Agency in the Municipality of Rome. The most recent change, the merger with STA S.p.A. at the end of 2005, was the result of the Rome City Council´s desire to place all public and private transport under a single administration so as to ensure the Capital moves smoothly, efficiently and with respect for the environment. This is our challenge and we face up to it every day, searching for innovative solutions. To keep moving a city like Rome means constant upgrading and comparing of notes with other cities, both nationally and internationally. For this reason, we carry on a dialogue with other metropolitan centres and, together with our colleagues from other countries, study transport policies and technologies aiming to a European-level regulation of public transport.
Cos’è Atac S.p.a.:
In seguito alla fusione con Met.Ro S.p.A. e Trambus S.p.A. il 1° gennaio 2010, Atac S.p.A. con quasi 13 mila dipendenti è oggi il primo gruppo di trasporto pubblico in Italia oltre che una delle più grandi realtà a livello europeo. Serviamo un´area di 1285 km2 nella quale ogni giorno garantiamo, con i nostri mezzi, più di 4 milioni di spostamenti.