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About RadioTaxi 3570:
We all remember the surreal conversation between the “cabbie” Alberto Sordi and the American star from Dallas or even Antoine famously finding and losing love in a single taxi ride. The world of show business is full of gags and cracks about taxi drivers but if Alberto Sordi is the emblem of the Roman taxi driver for the collective imagination, then 3570 in reality the emblem of an Italian coop or any coop in the world. The 3570 coop was born on a distant and sunny Sunday of November 1968 with just over 100 founder members. Its a slogan read “Fellow colleagues of Rome, the Roman Autoradiotaxi belongs to the taxi drivers of Rome that want to belong to it. The cost of the service is lowest in all Europe”, Radiotaxi 3570 today boasts 3,700 vehicles solely in the capital and has the widest network in Italy in this sector and it is the biggest coop in Europe.
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About RadioTaxi 3570:
We all remember the surreal conversation between the “cabbie” Alberto Sordi and the American star from Dallas or even Antoine famously finding and losing love in a single taxi ride. The world of show business is full of gags and cracks about taxi drivers but if Alberto Sordi is the emblem of the Roman taxi driver for the collective imagination, then 3570 in reality the emblem of an Italian coop or any coop in the world. The 3570 coop was born on a distant and sunny Sunday of November 1968 with just over 100 founder members. Its a slogan read “Fellow colleagues of Rome, the Roman Autoradiotaxi belongs to the taxi drivers of Rome that want to belong to it. The cost of the service is lowest in all Europe”, Radiotaxi 3570 today boasts 3,700 vehicles solely in the capital and has the widest network in Italy in this sector and it is the biggest coop in Europe.
Cos’è RadioTaxi 3570:
Chi non ricorda la surreale conversazione tra il ‘tassinaro’ Alberto Sordi e il divo americano di Dallas o il cavallo di battaglia di Antoine che sul taxi incontra e perde l’amore nel giro di una corsa? Il mondo dello spettacolo è pieno di gag sul mondo dei tassisti. Ma se Alberto Sordi è, nell’immaginario collettivo, l’icona per eccellenza dei conducenti romani, il 3570 è, nella realtà, l’emblema di come è e deve essere una Coopertiva in Italia e nel mondo. Nato in una lontana e assolata domenica di novembre del 1968 da poco più di 100 soci fondatori e con uno slogan che recitava “Colleghi romani! La cooperativa Autoradiotaxi romana, è dei tassisti romani che ne vogliono fare parte. Il costo del servizio è il più basso di tutta l’Europa”, Radiotaxi 3570 vanta oggi 3.700 vetture nella sola capitale ed è la maggior organizzazione d’Italia del settore e la più grande Cooperativa d’Europa.